Chum Salmon

Chum are the most widely distributed of Pacific salmon. Spawning in side channels of braided river reaches far upstream, they travel herculean distances—in Canada, as far as 7,700 miles (3,500 …

Salmon School

Want to learn more about wild salmon? Check out all our salmon educational materials, including illustrations, coloring book pages, quizzes, fun facts and games. Looking for the COP26 Salmon School …

Pacific Salmon

Salmon are central to the Pacific Rim. Their annual migrations are a miracle of nature and their presence tells us that our rivers are still healthy. Salmon and freshwater ecosystems are …

Chehalis River

A proposed dam threatens Washington’s Chehalis River. But a more comprehensive approach to restoration would solve salmon habitat and flood problems.

Coastal Rivers Conservancy

Coastal Rivers Conservancy (CRC) is Wild Salmon Center’s strategic partner working on thelong-term protection of wild salmon and steelhead ecosystems in British Columbia’s innercentral coast. That area includes the Dean River, Fitz Hugh …