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Defending Public Lands

Defending Public Lands

Standing up for the full value of Oregon public lands.

The Oregon Coast holds some of the best runs of wild salmon and steelhead in the Lower 48.

While many rivers originate on state and federal lands where the headwaters benefit from greater protections, those watershed protections are vulnerable to political change.

In Oregon, we’ve had to vigorously assert the values of public land for fish, wildlife, recreation and clean water, in the face of pressure to ease watershed protections for increased logging.

By working for a balanced approach to timber harvesting and conservation, we have successfully protected important stretches of the Tillamook and Clatsop State Forests, and defended strong stream protections on 2.4 million acres of federal Oregon and California (O&C) lands, as well as federal lands governed by the US Forest Service.

And this year, WSC leveraged 15 years of Oregon forest policy expertise in the fight to keep the 82,500-acre Elliott State Forest from being sold for increased logging. We spoke out with hunting and angling groups about the Elliott’s benefits as an elk hunting site, a major spawning ground for coastal coho, and a public lands gem Oregon couldn’t afford to lose. The State Land Board abandoned the sale in May, while agreeing to seek a solution for schools that depend on Elliott revenue.

We will continue to stand up for the all of the values that public lands deliver, including their role protecting salmon strongholds.

Join us, by visiting our Campaigns section and supporting the latest actions on Oregon public lands.

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